From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

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Sort so the strikethrough values are on the bottom

Sort so the strikethrough values are on the bottom - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

Sort so the strikethrough values are on the bottom

- [Instructor] We've got this list of entries. Maybe they're projects. Maybe they're rooms. But we have some that have a strike through. Let's look. Scroll down. Azalea has a strike through. Cinnamon. Neon blue is not stricken out. Teal. Tulip. All right, so the goal is to get this list sorted so that the entries that have a strike through are on the bottom. Have to be clever, and I know you are clever, or at least you're resilient. Pause the video, sort this with the strike throughs on the bottom. Then come back and I'll show you a way to do it. (upbeat music) Let's get this sorted. Okay, I am going to highlight the data set. There we go. I'm in the home tab. I'm going over to Find, Select. Replace. I want to find what? I'm going to go over to format. Okay. Then, Replace with. Replace with what? I'm going to go to Format and then go to Fill. Now I'm going to grab this gold color. Okay.…
