From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

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Replace "Al" with "Alyssa"

Replace "Al" with "Alyssa" - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

Replace "Al" with "Alyssa"

- [Instructor] Here we've got data for every day in May 2018, see it goes down to the 31st, and it shows who worked each of three shifts. Before we can do any analysis on this, we have to clean up Alyssa's name. Notice in cell D5 her name is fully spelled out, but in cell C2 she's shortened as Al. We've got to get all of the Als replaced with Alyssa. That's the first thing. Next, use a formula in column F to figure out if somebody closed one day and then opened the next day. You can see an example of that on the fifth of May where Callie closed and then opened on the sixth of May. So use a formula to spot any other situations like that, and then finally use a formula to count how many times Bonnie opened. You got it? Pause the video, come back, and I'll show you a way to do it. All right, let's dive in. This one is a little bit tricky. I am going to go to Find Select, Replace. Find what, find Al, replace with Alyssa.…
