From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

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Quick access and theme

Quick access and theme

- [Instructor] Before we start working, there are some things that we can do to set ourselves up to make things easy for us. That's why I'd love your help. In the upper left corner, that's the Quick Access Toolbar. That's where you see the Save, the Undo and Redo buttons. And there are some things that we do a lot. We print, print preview, and freeze panes. We want to add those icons to the QAT. And then change the workbooks theme to Main Event and change all margins to a 1/2 inch. Go ahead, pause the video, make everything beautiful, come back, and I'll show you how it gets done. All right, you're back. Okay, let's go to the Quick Access Toolbar and click this down arrow here. We can add Quick Print. See that? Print Preview. And then we have to go to More Commands in order to get Freeze Panes. There is Freeze Panes. Add, OK. Now, to change the theme, we go to Page Layout. Themes. Scroll down, we…
