From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

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Highlight the odd-numbered rooms

Highlight the odd-numbered rooms - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

Highlight the odd-numbered rooms

- [Instructor] Here, we have a list of units. And we know that odd number units are on the east side of the building. Even number units are on the west side of the building. The goal is to use conditional formatting to highlight the units that are on the east side of the building. But before we do that, we always have to get into the habit of checking the data quality. So first, use conditional formatting to see if there are any duplicated units. If there are any, that's fine, we just need to know about it. And then, use conditional formatting to highlight the units that are on the east side of the building. Time to pause the video, apply the conditional formatting. Come on back. I'll do it and we can compare our results. (upbeat music) Let's get into it by highlighting the numbers. There we go. Check the data quality. Go to Conditional Formatting. Highlight Cell Rules, Duplicate Values. Oh, boy. We do have…
