From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

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Highlight southwest

Highlight southwest

- Something is wrong with this conditional formatting. What we wanted was a highlight for anybody that lives in Southwest. Soon lives on Southwest Crimson Hill Drive. Yes, that should be highlighted. Nick Vazquez lives in Southeast, should not be highlighted. Let's scroll down. Dudley Bullock lives in Northeast, should not be highlighted. And now let's go to the bottom, Padma on Southwest St. George should be highlighted and Aames Bennett should be highlighted. and see what's going on and fix it. All right. Pause the video, work that out and then come on back. Okay. Let's see if we can rectify this. Cursor in the dataset, conditional formatting, manage rules. The conditional formatting rule says highlight any cell value that contains SW. Okay. That's why Nick Vasquez on Southeast East Swindle Avenue is highlighted, because there's an SW in the street name. We got to fix that. Edit rule. Now I'm going to try something here.…
