From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

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Extract names from a dataset

Extract names from a dataset - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

Extract names from a dataset

- [Instructor] Okay, we've got this huge data set. We've got first names, last names, and then they're divided into groups: orange, purple, crimson. The orange group starts with Nikola, goes down to Marna, and Dorris Davis is highlighted. Let's scroll down, look at this data some more, goes down to the pewter group and ends on row 270 with Ryan Painter. Let's go back to the top. What needs to be done? Highlight the following people, Kai Worthing and Kimberley Hannah. And please don't scroll up and down looking for them. Work smart, use Excel, all right? Once they're highlighted, create a separate list of the people who are highlighted green and just copy and paste them onto a new worksheet, don't fully extract them out of this list, all right? And Kai and Kimberley should be this same green and included in that list, all right? You jump on that then come on back, and I will do it for you. All right, you're back.…
