From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

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Create a chart and adjust the axis

Create a chart and adjust the axis - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

Create a chart and adjust the axis

- [Instructor] Right, let's make a chart. We want something similar to the chart that's on the bottom there. The big deal is we are dealing with accounts that have a $500 minimum. So it makes no sense to have the y-axis start at zero. We want it to start at $450. The y-axis should also have increments of a $100. We don't want any grid lines in the end. Sort the 2019 column descending. The chart title should say accounts $500 minimum, and the colors are not important. You don't have to get that orange and blue. But there is one other thing. I'm going to highlight the chart, make it bigger. The final chart needs to say 2018, 2019 at the bottom. So go ahead, make the chart, come back. And you can watch me do it. You're back. Let's get into it. Let's start with the easy part. I'm going to highlight that 2019 data. I'm in the Data tab already, need to click Z to A. Next, Insert, and I want the 2D column chart.…
