From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

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Correct the behavior of these spin buttons

Correct the behavior of these spin buttons - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

Correct the behavior of these spin buttons

- [Instructor] Here in cell B2, we've got a proprietary formula that helps us determine our prices. The formula's working and the spin buttons are engaged. Let's change this. Let's go down to two, go up. Let's take this down. Let's go up. So they are engaged, but they're not acting right and that's where help is needed. Can you get these spin buttons to behave the way that they need to behave based on the requirements? The first spin button should only accept values five through 100. The second spin button should only accept values two up to 20 in multiples of two. So there's a problem with 31 in two ways. It's too big and it's not a multiple of two. The height should be a minimum of 50 up to 100 in multiples of five. So go ahead, pause the video, work that out, come back and I'll do it. (upbeat music) Let's do it. Go up to the spin button. Right-click. Format Control. Current value is seven. The…
