From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

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Convert liquids

Convert liquids

- [Instructor] We've got this inventory of liquids, liquid A we've got 55 1/2 gallons and the ideal temperature is 35 degrees Fahrenheit. Now watch, we're going to go over to the UK. First of all, notice that not every liquid is available like liquid A is not here, but we do want to convert what's here into liters and degrees Celsius. When that's done you're going to get some crazy long decimal places. So we want to go back here. We want to limit the decimal places to two. Pause the video, convert that, come back and I'll go through it. The first thing I want to do, put this into a table. Format as table. Let's grab this blue. Okay, get rid of the filter buttons. Go to UK. Format as table. Let's grab this teal color. Great and get rid of these filter buttons. Now here's what I'm going to do first. I'm going to use an XLOOKUP equals XLOOKUP. Double click LOOKUP value here. Comma, LOOKUP array, U.S. I want to…
