From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

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Answer four questions about data

Answer four questions about data - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

Answer four questions about data

- [Instructor] Great, our coworker Jerry has finally us the data we've been waiting for. Now, we just want to examine it. We aren't going to do anything with it. We just want to examine what is going on here. So there are four questions for you, all right? Regarding this data, what does this #REF error mean? Next, are the green and blue cells manually colored or conditionally formatted? Third, if there's any conditional formatting, what is the underlying rule? And finally, can the formula in attendance be trusted? So pause the video, investigate those four things, come back, and we'll look at it together. All right, what's going on? First of all, what does the #REF error mean? Let's click on it and it just says, "#REF!" That means there was a formula that was looking for something that is no longer there, like an entire column got deleted. Second, are the green and blue cells manually colored or conditionally formatted?…
