From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

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November advances

November advances

- [Instructor] With this challenge, I'm not going to do a whole lot of explaining. I'm inviting you to look over this data. We've got partners in column B. Kate, Isaac, Micaela, Isaac, Gregor. They took out advances. And then we see the partner paid back data. That's how much each of 'em has paid back, of course. Now, look at everything and answer these two questions. Can Micaela get an additional $3,000 advance? And Isaac wants an additional $3,500. Can they based on the rules and the data that you see here? There's some interpretation and nuance involved here. So go ahead, pause the video, review this very carefully, come back. Can they? Yes or no. (soft upbeat music) Let's get into this. Let's make some room. Let's look at Isaac first. He wants an additional $3,500, but let's say this, =sumifs. Sum what? Sum this range. Comma, criteria range, here. What is the criteria? Comma. The criteria is Isaac. There…
