From the course: Excel Weekly Challenge

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Explain the query

Explain the query

- [Instructor] Sometimes we have to understand other people's work. We might not have the skill to do the work ourselves, but we at least have to be able to understand, and that is what this week's challenge is about. In columns B through G, that's our source data. We've got the addresses and then information about each one, like whether it has a garage or not, how many bed and bath, how many distance it is from the Arts district, and then slide over here and here is the result of Power Query. Somehow we got from the long list in the source column down to just these five addresses, and that's the challenge, let's look at it. Step through the query in Power Query and explain what's going on to get the results that we have in columns I through M, and then change the source data and refresh to see if the result will be what you predicted. Okay, pause the video, open up Power Query and see what it's doing. Make those…
