From the course: Excel: Learning VBA

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Turn off screen updating when you run a macro

Turn off screen updating when you run a macro - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel: Learning VBA

Turn off screen updating when you run a macro

- [Instructor] Excel runs its macros very quickly, especially on computers that have multiple processors and gigabytes of memory. When an Excel VBA routine changes from one worksheet to another at high speed, you can get a blink or a screen flash. It's not a big deal while you're testing your code, and in fact, it lets you know your macros are working, but it does make the user experience a little bit worse. In this movie, I will show you commands that you can use to stop the screen from flashing as a macro runs. My sample file is 06_01_Flashing, and you can find it in the Ch06 folder of the Exercise Files collection. In this workbook, I have two worksheets, and on Sheet1 I have a Suggestion Box form, and then the data is collected on Sheet2. This workbook will write input from Sheet1 to Sheet2 using the VBA code that I've already created. And I'll press Alt + F11 to move to the Visual Basic Editor. I won't go through…
