From the course: Excel: Learning VBA

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Set breakpoints in your code

Set breakpoints in your code - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel: Learning VBA

Set breakpoints in your code

- [Instructor] In this movie, I will show you how to set breakpoints in your code. When you set a breakpoint, Excel runs the code to the breakpoint and stops until you tell it to continue. While Excel is stopped, you can verify the values assigned to variables and determine whether your program is functioning correctly. The sample file I'll work with is 04_03_Breakpoints, and you can find it in the Chapter Four folder of the Exercise Files collection. In this workbook, I have a worksheet with some information that we will use for message boxes. So I've got the value due to a particular taxing authority. It's in the state of Virginia and is in my hometown, the city of 600 people of Mount Crawford, Virginia. So with that data in mind, I'll press Alt+F11 to move to the Visual Basic Editor. And here, I have my code. And what it does is to activate cell B7, which contains the value, and then it assigns the value from one…
