From the course: Excel: Learning VBA

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Manage worksheets with VBA

Manage worksheets with VBA - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel: Learning VBA

Manage worksheets with VBA

- [Instructor] On the face of it, worksheets within a workbook seem fairly static. They hold your data charts and other objects. But aside from renaming them or moving them, it seems like you rarely change them. That might be true in normal usage. But when you are advanced enough to write VBA code, you probably find that you change your workbooks fairly often. In this movie, I will show you techniques in VBA that you can use to manage the worksheets within a workbook. My sample file is 05_07_Worksheets, and you can find it in the Chapter 05 folder of the Exercise Files collection. In this workbook, I have two worksheets. They're named Sheet1 and Sheet2. We're just going to use them to demonstrate the process so you don't need to worry about the data they contain. I just wanted to make sure they were different enough that you can tell one sheet from another, right? I'll switch back to Sheet1, and then I'll press Alt + F11…
