From the course: Excel: Learning VBA

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Introduce object-oriented programming

Introduce object-oriented programming - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel: Learning VBA

Introduce object-oriented programming

- [Instructor] If we're going to talk about Visual Basic for Applications, which is a programming language, we need to discuss what exactly a programming language is. For our purposes, a programming language is a system of statements used to control a computer. If you are a computer scientist, there are many ways that you could argue about this definition, but I believe that this one, for our purposes, is exactly what we need. Any programming language must meet several requirements for it to be an effective way to control your computer. First, you have to be able to accept input. That could be through the user interface, such as a keyboard or from a file that you read data in from. You must be able to store data to be able to work with it, and you must be able to manipulate that data that is make changes to it, for example, by performing calculations. And, finally, produce output. That can be to the screen, it can be to…
