From the course: Excel: Learning VBA

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Challenge: Debug your VBA code

Challenge: Debug your VBA code - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel: Learning VBA

Challenge: Debug your VBA code

(quick electronic music) - [Instructor] Now that we've reached the end of the chapter I wanted to present a series of challenges so that you can test what you have learned about debugging your VBA code. There will be three elements to the challenge and the first is to manage errors using an On Error statement. The second will be to step through a subroutine one step at a time and finally, to verify output using the immediate window. As always, I will ask you to prepare by reading the comments in each code module to learn about the challenge then to create your solution by adding or editing code and finally to test your solution to make sure that it works as expected. With all that in mind, I'll switch over to Excel and give you an idea of what's in the sample file. The Excel workbook you will use is 04_06_Challenge and you can find it in the Chapter four folder of the Exercise Files collection. We don't need to use any data…
