From the course: Excel: Learning VBA

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Acquire values using an input box or message box

Acquire values using an input box or message box - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel: Learning VBA

Acquire values using an input box or message box

- [Instructor] Many Excel programmers prefer to have their users enter data into worksheet cells when they need a value for their subroutines. That said, you might find it useful to display a simple dialogue box requesting user input. In this movie, I will cover two ways that you can use to get that user input. The message box and the input box. My sample file is "06_03_Boxes," and you can find it in the chapter six folder of the "Exercise Files" collection. In this workbook, I have a single worksheet, and I have sales data for the month of January and for five different varieties of olive oil. And also, I have buttons that will run for different subroutines that I have available in the Visual Basic editor. So, I'll press Alt, F11 and move there now so we can take a look at the code. In the Visual Basic editor at the top in my code module, I have a subroutine called "Display Commission." And what this does is take the…
