From the course: Everybody's Introduction to Snowflake

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Querying your data

Querying your data

- At the beginning of the course, we talked about querying your data. Structured query language, or SQL, is at the heart of the ability to do that. It's a standardized programming language that's specifically designed for managing, manipulating, and retrieving data stored in databases. SQL's foundation consists of key syntax elements, namely SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, and ORDER BY. In a nutshell, these commands are allowed to specify what data we want and where it comes from, how to filter it using the WHERE clause, how to group it with the GROUP BY clause, and finally, how to sort the data with ORDER BY. Combining these into a single query allows us to answer specific questions, and you can start to see why SQL is the basis not just for analysts to interact with databases but also tools that use databases as a source. Yet, databases, when used well, don't typically store data in silos. More often than not, we need to…
