From the course: Ethical Hacking: Introduction to Ethical Hacking

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Challenge: Cyber threat information sharing

Challenge: Cyber threat information sharing

- [Instructor] Let's do a challenge. In this challenge, we'll review key elements of NIST Special Publication 800-150. For this challenge, you'll go to this site, and there, you'll see "Guide to Cyber Threat Information Sharing." Select Local Download and open the document. Once there, you'll go to two sections, where you'll answer some questions. Go to section 2.1 Threat Information Types, and then list and define the five main types of threat information. Then go to section 2.2 Benefits of Information Sharing and then list and define the four main benefits of information sharing. So pause the video and complete the challenge, then come back, and we'll review the answers. This challenge should take you about 20 minutes. Good luck.
