From the course: Essential Lessons for First-Time Managers

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Remove roadblocks

Remove roadblocks

- Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you have a deadline coming up and are desperately trying to get your work done, but there are roadblocks outside of your control derailing you? You've tried everything in your power to get unstuck but you just don't have the authority you need. It's frustrating, isn't it? And it happens to everyone. So what should you do when this happens? Most people call their manager for help and they should. One of the key responsibilities for managers is to leverage their authority and influence to remove roadblocks for their team members. In this lesson, I'm going to highlight three different types of roadblocks your team may encounter and teach you some techniques to remove each. The most common kind of roadblock in business happens when your team member needs something from another person in the company and that person for whatever reason isn't giving it to them. This happens…
