From the course: Essential Lessons for First-Time Managers

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Put yourself in their shoes

Put yourself in their shoes

- You've reached the end of this course, but you're only beginning your leadership journey. This will be incredibly rewarding and I'm excited for you to have success as a leader. If I were to leave you with any last words of wisdom, think back to the golden rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Think about your current manager and all the managers you've had before. What did they do right? Emulate the things you loved about their style. What didn't they do that you wish they had? Make sure to offer those things to your team. Build your own personal leadership style by being the leader you wish you had. Since you've shown your interest in online learning through this course, I've a few TED Talks I'd encourage you to watch. They'll help you go deeper into a few of the topics we touched on during this course. First, leadership thought-leader and author, Simon Sinek, has done two fantastic TED Talks on…
