From the course: Essential Lessons for First-Time Managers

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Define success

Define success

- I paid for most of my recreational activities during college by playing eight ball at the local pool hall. At one point, a friendly pool shark mentored me a bit. And one of the things he taught me was to aim for the dead center of the pocket. Until he said that, I didn't even realize I hadn't been doing it, but the truth is I hadn't. I had been aiming towards the pocket, but I wasn't taking the time to identify the exact center. Once I started focusing on and aiming for the exact center, my game improved immediately. So why am I telling you this? Because aim for the dead center is a fantastic rule, not just for billiards, but for business and management. Unfortunately, your team won't be able to aim for the dead center unless you take the time to make sure they can see it. This means that when you delegate a task, you'll need to be extra careful to define the project in a way they can figure out exactly what…
