From the course: Essential Lessons for First-Time Managers

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Create career paths

Create career paths

- There is nothing worse than being stuck in a dead end job. No matter what you do, or how much you accomplish, you know there's no path for your role to grow beyond what you're doing today. This is one of the main reasons people quit. Do you know someone who's quit a dead end job? Have you? I have. In fact, in a 2020 Career Addict Survey of over a thousand professionals, 82% of respondents cited lack of career progression as a good reason to quit a job, making it the number one response in the survey, even more than lack of pay. In this lesson, I'm going to teach you why it's important to create career paths for each of your team members. It's not always easy, but it's always a good idea. So what are the benefits of creating career paths for your team? As I just touched on, the first is retention. Most people want to have a career rather than just a job. If you want them to stay with your company longterm, you have to…
