From the course: Essential Lessons for First-Time Managers

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Blame instead of ownership

Blame instead of ownership

- In the book, "Extreme ownership" Retired Navy Seals, Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, state that leaders must own everything in their world. There is no one else to blame. Do you really need to take accountability for everything your team does? And if so, why? When it comes to leadership, the truth is, the ownership is the opposite of blame and blame is all negatives and no positives. In this video, I'll explain why blame has no place in leadership, and why taking ownership isn't as scary as you might originally think. First of all, blame immediately puts people on the defensive. If someone feels responsible for what they're being blamed for, they often feel guilt or embarrassment. If they feel blame is misplaced, this can also result in heated emotions. These emotional states can reduce productivity and team success. And when this happens often, it can damage your relationship with your team. Next, think about…
