From the course: Employee Engagement

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Survey to measure engagement

Survey to measure engagement

From the course: Employee Engagement

Survey to measure engagement

- For years employers have asked me how they can better motivate and engage their employees. My first response has always been have you asked your employees that question? Fact is the greatest source of information about what inspires, motivates and engages your employees is your employees. One of the best ways to tap into employee engagement is a survey. There are a variety of ways to conduct a survey. You can use Gallup's survey tool, create your own in an online program like SurveyMonkey, or take a pen and paper approach. You can even have a direct conversation with each employee. But most important are the questions you ask. I like taking a simple approach where we find out what's going right and what can go even better. Rather than focusing on the negative, ask questions about relevant factors that affect engagement like how well they're being managed. What career opportunities are available? Are their ideas being…
