From the course: Employee Engagement

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Find your sweet spot

Find your sweet spot

- I want you to stop and think about two questions for a moment. What are you really good at? And what you like doing best? The answer to those two questions will help you to find your sweet spot at work. Your sweet spot is that place when you do something well and you enjoy doing it well. When you're in your sweet spot, you're more engaged. You look forward to doing network because it's energy giving, not energy depleting. And I know that on a days when you're engaged at work, you go home feeling better about yourself and that impacts how you treat friends and family. I like to show you a simple exercise that will help you to define your sweet spot. First, list the five best technical skills you have that relate to your current job. If you're in the marketing department, you might say something like blogging, PowerPoint, social media sites, copywriting, and Word. If you have a problem with answering that question,…
