From the course: Employee Engagement

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Engage talent through compensation

Engage talent through compensation

From the course: Employee Engagement

Engage talent through compensation

- I don't know anybody who shows up to work and says, "That's okay, I don't need to get paid today," and I don't know of anyone who's capable of feeling fully engaged in their work if they don't feel like they're getting paid right. So it's impossible to have an honest conversation about employee engagement without talking about money. I want to talk about two aspects of compensation that would help get and keep those A players: starting pay and use of incentives. We've learned that for most employees, what they get paid falls off the top of the list of engagement drivers once they receive what they feel is a fair day's wage, which is usually defined by the marketplace, not your company. Let me tell you about two companies that do a great job of using this starting pay as a tool to obtain and retain engaged employees. For as long as I can remember, that culinary delight In-N-Out Hamburger has been paying new employees more…
