From the course: Employee Engagement

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Drive engagement with fun

Drive engagement with fun

- Are your employees having fun at work? Are you having fun at work? And if not, why not? Do you think people have to look and act serious in order to be productive, when all that really means is they're overly stressed and have a constant headache? Listen, it's okay to make work fun. Really, it is. There's no logic against it. In fact, most of us want to enjoy our day at work. Life's too short not to. Of course, I'm not encouraging reckless or bad behavior, just good natured fun. My favorite example of a fun place to work is the Pike's Place Fish Market in Seattle. It's a great story of how the fishmongers and other employees decided to have fun working with dead, slimy and smelly fish every day. If you visit them in person or online, you'll see fish flying, lots of cheering, great customer attraction, and their cash register working nonstop. Deciding it was a value to have fun produced such amazing bottom line…
