From the course: Employee Engagement

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Deal with the actively disengaged

Deal with the actively disengaged

From the course: Employee Engagement

Deal with the actively disengaged

- Actively disengaged employees are downright scary. Not only are they unhappy and unproductive, they're also wanting to spread the negativity to coworkers. And from my experience as an employment attorney, I can tell you, they can also do much worse. According to the Gallup US Employee Engagement survey, roughly 17% of employees actively disengaged. As a manager, you need to make it clear that the actively disengaged either have to make an effort to reform themselves now, or be removed from your organization. It's not worth a long-term rehabilitation effort. Employees who are actively disengaged are a destructive and risky element that need to be removed. Let me show you how to find out if you have any of these people working for you (chuckles) and, if so, how to handle the situation. Start by asking yourself this question: "Is there anyone working at your company right now "that, if they quit, you would be more relieved…
