From the course: Employee Engagement

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Attracting engaged employees

Attracting engaged employees

From the course: Employee Engagement

Attracting engaged employees

- Great companies don't have to find engaged employees, they attract them. Companies like Zappos, and KPMG, and Southwest Airlines have top quality candidates lining up to apply. And how did they do it? They make the entire hiring process interesting and engaging. Let me give you three basic things you can do to help the company start attracting engaged job prospects today. First, get job prospects to pay attention by branding the company as an engaging place to work. What does your hiring page look like? Whose attention is it attracting? Are top prospects excited about your company? Are they paying attention to your job opportunities because the branding reflects an engaging work experience? I've reviewed hundreds of company hiring pages and most of them are boring at best. Your hiring page needs to be interesting and exciting. Tell stories about doing great work, share video testimonials from existing employees, talk…
