From the course: Electronics Foundations: Basic Circuits

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Sine wave characteristics

Sine wave characteristics

- [Instructor] Alternating current comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. The only requirement for it to be considered AC, is that the voltage and current reverse their direction at regular intervals. For example, if the output from a voltage source switches very abruptly between positive and negative voltages, it creates a square wave. Square waves are commonly used to switch the circuits and digital devices like your computer, to turn them on and off, which makes them run. Another type of alternating signal, is the triangle wave whose voltage rises and falls in a linear fashion. Triangle waves are commonly used as an input signal to test certain types of circuits like amplifiers. You'll likely encounter triangle and square waves when working with electronics, but the most common type of alternating current is the sine wave or sinusoid. The AC power lines that bring electricity into your home, use voltage that…
