From the course: Ecommerce Fundamentals

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Small consistent steps

Small consistent steps

- For many people, the giant list of things to do is overwhelming. There are far too many things to do and just not enough time to do them. There's also a wide swath of tasks. Some of them are busy work, some are high level strategy, and some are customer refunds that require urgent attention so it's hard to balance these very different tasks in your day. I give E-commerce entrepreneurs a few pieces of advice. Give yourself a few months to plan. You don't want to just start without any planning because you'll likely make some big and expensive mistakes. You also don't want to spend over a year planning because the industry will have shifted in that time. Instead, get your feet wet by doing just enough planning. After I designed my product, I spent six months planning the Kickstarter campaign. Second, talk to everyone who has had a similar experience. When I talk to other entrepreneurs, I learn a lot about what not to do.…
