From the course: Drawing Foundations: Fundamentals

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The final project

The final project

The first thing I'm doing now is with a harder pencil, either an HB or a 3B, just putting in a hatch, just to build up the tone on the leafy areas of the drawing. Notice how I'm lifting my pencil between every mark just so I get this small area with the tonal ground in between it. I might go darker as the drawing progresses, but it can be a good way just to establish a tone within your drawing to start with. Now I can start to judge areas around it. This part down here, at the bottom of the actual jug lid. And it just gives you an idea of which areas are going to go really, really dark and which areas can start to be more of a mid-tone in your drawing. I can now refine some of the edges and that area, there can go a little bit darker, and then I start to just flick my eye throughout the entire scene. Start to refine the some of these shapes that are here in the votive, and I'm using quite a sketchy mark here, keeping it a bit looser. Notice how my fingers are quite a way back from the…
