From the course: Drawing Foundations: Fundamentals

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Our first tonal-ground study

Our first tonal-ground study

So for our first simple tonal ground study, just look around the house and try and find a simple object that's just got a range of tones within it. Some parts really dark, an old part really light, and just so we've got something already within the object to really help us in our drawing. So, let's get started with our tonal ground study. I've chosen a pomegranate as I can see darks and lights within the subject. Also, interesting textures and shapes. Then I just move it around within my viewfinder, until I find the angle of position that is going to give me the best drawing. So now I've got the line drawing out onto the perspects just with one simple line on there and I've also got the tonal ground next to it. So just lay them out so they're directly next to each other So the tops of each of the frames line up. And then you just need to transfer the line drawing from the perspects onto your total ground. When you rest on the total ground it can often come off onto your hand. So if…
