From the course: Drawing Foundations: Fundamentals

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How light and shadows work

How light and shadows work

So what we're going to look at now is light logic and how cast shadows can be so important to how we draw something realistically. Shadows are really, really important in your drawings. But it's something when you're first coming to drawing, you'll often miss out, or won't put as much importance on. When beginners first come to drawing, they always focus on the object and not the surrounding shadows or shapes around the object. So we're going just help trying tuning our eyes to focus in our shadows because it can really help us to engage that left-hand side of our brain and start to look for abstract shapes in the composition. If you think of the nose or an eye, you really think of an image an actual shape but if you think of a nose shadow or an eye shadow, they don't really exist. They are always changing as the light changes and because of this you've really going to to focus in on it, in your drawing and that really helps us to get accurate drawings in the sense of balance and real…
