From the course: Drawing Foundations: Fundamentals

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Creating the final project

Creating the final project

So now you've got to the final stages of the course, we've covered so many things, and now we're going to start to put them all together. So we've looked at line and how important that can be just to get those shapes right. We've looked at a tone ground, so you can really look at a tonal range in your drawings. We've then looked at negative spaces to really help us to arrange our objects in the theme. And how light logic can be so important to create that realism and three dimension nature in your drawings. So let's get on to our final project. We now going to use this still life setup we arranged earlier. So the first thing that I do is to draw up the line of the composition on to the pitch plane. If you really want to challenge yourself, you can draw the image straight onto tonal ground without the help of having the picture plane. Eventually, when you become more confident in your drawing, your aim is to draw from observing the images from life without using the picture plane, and…
