From the course: Drawing Foundations: Figure

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Establishing gesture and structure

Establishing gesture and structure

From the course: Drawing Foundations: Figure

Establishing gesture and structure

- I thought at this point it'd be great to take you through drawing from start to finish. Sarah's going to take a pose and I'm going to do this drawing. And while I'm drawing from time to time I'm going to let you in on the internal soundtrack that goes on through my head as I'm making a figure drawing. Whenever I start with a model, the very first mark I always make is the core gesture. I want to make this core gesture line, I want to feel what the model's feeling in the body and I want to really try to get that down on the page. Coming from the high point, perhaps of her elbow down through the torso, out that right hip and all the way down to the ground. All the way down to the ground, maybe to even that weight bearing foot. So that's the first line of energy, that's really the most important, organic felt moment in the drawing. No matter how long a drawing you make, this essential gesture is the heartbeat. It's the thing that, unless you really kind of have that in there, the…
