From the course: Drawing Foundations: Figure

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Drawing proportion: Side view

Drawing proportion: Side view

- Let's take a look at the side view. Check out the proportion worksheet for this video in your exercise files. You can work directly on the sheet or overlay with trace paper. In this side view, we're going to start at the top of the head and we're going to drop a plumb line all the way down through the center of the figure. It goes through the ear hole, through the center of the shoulder, all the way down to the ground. We always want to drop this plumb line when we're working with proportion as it's a nice reference line for the symmetry of the body. Once we drop this plumb line, we can see the head is the same as from the three-quarter view, in terms of proportion. Two heads down is the breast bone. Three heads down is the navel. The midpoint is at about mid-hip. Four heads down, in this case, comes to just below the buttock here. And then, if we go all the way down to the ground we can come up to the knee joint. Let's start by making some ovals. Now, from the side view, there's an…
