From the course: Drawing Foundations: Figure

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Comparing male and female proportions

Comparing male and female proportions

From the course: Drawing Foundations: Figure

Comparing male and female proportions

- Comparing male and female structure will help us develop our drawings with more accuracy. If we look here at these two drawings, we can see how, in the one on the right, the male torso is much bigger than the petite nature of the female torso on the left here. Same thing is true for if we're comparing the two pelvic regions. The female pelvis has a more petite quality, and the male pelvis, a bit more blocky. So that's true of the nature of male to female. Blockiness and largeness on the male structure, and a more petite, almost gentle nature to the bones on the female structure. This is almost even more evident when we look at the back view. So, in terms of the back view, especially in the female structure, take a look at this egg of the rib cage. It's very petite, and it actually really feels that way especially because we're comparing it to how wide the pelvis is in relationship to it. The female pelvis is wider than her rib cage. And that actually affects the silhouette of the…
