From the course: Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging

Add equity

- When people talk about equity, they intermix that with equal, and it's not. Equity is about fairness. And if you're thinking about fairness, it's not just about pay. We talk a lot about fair pay. Dollar for dollar for the same job with the same output. That seems reasonable. I agree. But what if, what if 1% bias creeped in your organization and you didn't have the same opportunity that I had? What if that bias interrupted our path, and so you got the promotion and I didn't? That's not fair. That's not equitable. So how do you level the playing field at work? How do you help in those moments that matter to make better decisions in a fairer way with transparency? That's the challenge and the opportunity about creating an equitable workforce and an equitable place to work and equity of opportunity. Because without that, fair pay is almost meaningless because we can be paid the same, but my opportunity was held back. And that is the shame. You want people at work to realize their full potential and have the same opportunities. And so in those decisions that matter, from hiring to promoting, to coaching, to providing feedback needs to be fair and equitable.
