From the course: Digital Transformation

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Processes necessary for digital transformation

Processes necessary for digital transformation

From the course: Digital Transformation

Processes necessary for digital transformation

- One of the key process changes necessary to spur digital transformation is Agile Development. The term Agile was coined as part of the manifesto for Agile software development. The manifesto, which represented the collective wisdom of 17 individuals, stressed individuals and interactions over processes and tools. Working software over comprehensive documentation. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation. Responding to change over following a plan. The hallmark of Agile Development methods involves iteration, the means by which software or other projects should be developed is through rapid development, with diverse array of disciplines brought together. Optimally, the intended user of the product or service ought to be involved in development as well, as their feedback on what's working or what's not will lead to augmentations and subtractions of functionality throughout development. Agile also stress face-to-face interactions where possible, short feedback loops, and…
