From the course: DevOps Foundations: Lean and Agile

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- If you've been with us so far, you've learned that we went from being a traditional IT company, to using Lean and Agile techniques and a pilot project, to adopting these Lean and Agile techniques throughout the whole organization - Running a great project and having it delivered on time is one thing. Running a DevOps organization that's always learning, and improving, is a completely different beast altogether. - Fortunately, there are some techniques in Lean and Agile that help with this. - Don't worry, you're not watching a course in Japanese. - But you are looking at the word Kaizen. Kaizen is a Japanese word that literally translates to change for the better. It's a fundamental part of Lean methodologies, like the Toyota Production System. - In our faces of implementation at RED30, we've been using the plan, do, check, act methodology, or PDCA - But this isn't just for large implementations, it's a fundamental…
