From the course: DevOps Foundations

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DevOps and chaos engineering

DevOps and chaos engineering

From the course: DevOps Foundations

DevOps and chaos engineering

- Chaos. That doesn't sound great when we're talking about our IT systems. might be fun as an alignment when we're playing Dungeons and Dragons and want our characters to act up, but we want to eliminate chaos from our workplace, right? Well, there's an advanced topic in resilience called chaos engineering. Chaos engineering is the discipline of experimenting on a system in order to build confidence in the system's capability to withstand real world conditions in production. In other words, creating deliberate adversity for your system. What does that even mean? Well, Netflix introduced the ideas we know it today with a tool that they called the Chaos Monkey. Netflix was running huge clusters of cloud systems for millions of users. They told their technical staff to build a system that was resilient in the face of problems. It should keep on working if any particular server or network link or other component failed. So, they'd write and test their code, including the operational code…
