From the course: Developing Your Professional Image in a New Job

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Be a professional

Be a professional

- How would you describe professionalism, and what does being a professional mean to you? Is it about how you act or behave? Is it about how you communicate? Think about people you know who you would class as a professional. What do they have that others don't? A lot of being a professional is about how you show up, how you behave, and how you come across to others. We are all constantly making subconscious judgements about those around us. So even small signals can give someone an impression of you. Although managing your professional image is important, when making an impression, it's essential to always be authentic, always be yourself. The trick is to show parts of your personality at the appropriate time. So for example, you may not once behave as you would on the weekend with your friends in your new role or you may, depending on your job. The key is to be mindful of how you behave and how you come across, still…
