From the course: Database Foundations: Intro to Databases

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RDBMS command-line interfaces

RDBMS command-line interfaces

- [Instructor] We just created two different database servers with the help of Docker containers. Both of these have their own native command line interface tools for working with the database server. These will both use the same terminal window or the command line application that you're currently using to work with Docker. Now, the command line interface is not the easiest way to get started working with a database server, but it is a powerful tool that comes with your server software. I want to run through a quick example of how to use them, before we get into working in a more traditional graphical interface. If I type in Docker ps, it'll show me that I currently have two servers running, one called PostgreSQL and the other one called SQL Server 2019. I can tell that they're running by verifying the status here and they're both listed as up. So let's log into each one of these, one at a time and take a quick look…
