From the course: Database Foundations: Intro to Databases

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Querying data

Querying data

- [Instructor] The entire point of building a database is so that information is available when you want it. The process of asking questions about your data is called querying and it all begins with the SELECT command. SELECT allows you to retrieve rows from your data tables, but the command goes way beyond simply showing you the data as it's currently stored. With a SELECT statement and its various clauses, you can slice and dice your data into any configuration imaginable in order to answer an unlimited number of questions. The trick is learning how to ask the right questions. Select queries can perform for different tasks in order to help you better understand your data. They're collect, filter, summarize and manipulate. Let's take these one at a time. Imagine that you have a table about customers. A basic select query will be able to collect rows of data in order to answer the question, what customers do…
