From the course: Database Foundations: Intro to Databases

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Install Docker

Install Docker

- [Instructor] We're going to install a couple of different relational database management systems inside of containers, and the application that's used to create and manage your containers is called Docker. To get this set up, we're going to start at Along the top of the page are links to information about the various products, the documentation. and information on pricing if you want to use Docker in a larger commercial environment. But as long as you're a small business, individual developer, or are using Docker for educational or open source projects, it's free to use, which is great. Below we have options for downloading the Docker desktop installer. It should auto detect your current operating system, but there are other links if you want to install Docker on a different OS. I'm going to be working on a Windows PC so I'll click on this button in just a moment. But first I want to take a look at the…
