From the course: Database Foundations: Intro to Databases

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Create tables

Create tables

- [Instructor] Let's start building the home for some of our data. In the Chapter 4 folder of the Exercise Files is this spreadsheet called Two Trees Olive Oil products. It's an Excel file, but if you don't have Excel or can't otherwise open this file, that's just fine. You're not going to need it to follow along. I just wanted to take a quick look at the kinds of data that I want to store in our database. In this PRODUCTS spreadsheet, we have a unique product code stored in the column called SKU. We also have the name of the product. We have the size in ounces and the price in US dollars. If I scroll down through the spreadsheet, you're going to see that there's three different colored sections. These correspond to different product categories. The green section at the top represents olive oils. The purple section in the middle contains flavor-infused oils. And the yellow section at the bottom contains bath and beauty…
