From the course: Data Visualization: Storytelling

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Linear logic

Linear logic

- [Instructor] As much as we'd like to think we can multitask, humans can really only do one thing at a time. We can also only thoughtfully perceive one thing at a time, so providing one experience at a time in a step-by-step linear fashion makes perfect sense. I'm referring to this as following linear logic, and it's the simplest of ideas that you learned when you started to learn how to write essays in school. Of course, this sounds somewhat like change over time stories and often linear logic is shared as change over time, but it doesn't have to be. For instance, you could be describing a process, and while yes, step one comes first, then step two, it isn't about time passing, it's about the process flow that makes sense. You could do step three first, it just might not work as well. Think about Duncan Geere's oil prices story. That was linear and time-driven. But instead of walking through chronologically, he could…
